Trader Application

Want to exhibit at the show? Use the “Trader Application” form to request your stall tables…

Sunday 1st June 2025

Venue to be announced shortly

  • Trader entry – 8:00am
  • Public entry – 11:00am – 4:00pm

Please complete the below application form below. Our team will review your application and once approved, we will email you details for payment.

Contact us at [email protected]

We have made some tweaks to the number of wristbands you receive. Applications for up to 3 tables will receive the default 3 wristbands. Any applications for 4 tables or more, will now receive 1 wristband per table:

  • 1 table – 3 free wristbands
  • 2 table – 3 free wristbands  
  • 3 table – 3 free wristbands  
  • 4 table – 4 free wristbands  
  • 5 table – 5 free wristbands  
  • 6 table – 6 free wristbands  
  • 7 table – 7 free wristbands  
  • 8 table – 8 free wristbands